I'll keep updating this post with details as they'll become available:
- Dress code: Roar shirt, white pants. Please no jeans/black pants. Our own white pants with the pink & green stripes are OK. I've got some spare ones if anyone needs them
- Be there: 5pm - at Inform car park opposite main vehicle entrance on Castlemaine Street
- Parking at the Inform carpark has been arranged for Erin, Denis, Claire, Lynne, Patty, Elwin and myself ONLY. We will get all instruments from the trailer, and won't have a dressing room. You can leave stuff in my car if you want.
- Guest tickets - I'll distribute those shortly after 5pm at the car park.
- The event is a big deal - TV all over the place. Please be on time and take the time to listen to instructions, we only have a few days to organise this.
- We'll play during the game, at half time, and most likely also before the game on both north and south plaza. During the game, we'll have our own section (for the whole samba school, not limited to 6 this time). We'll get assistance from 200 kids.
- Keep checking the blog for updates please
Here are some of the calls we'll do when in the stands:
First Surdo: Mike, Will
Second Surdo: Brian, Darren
Third Surdo: Fernando, Martim, Artur, Warren
Caixa: Denis, Vitor, Jason, Peter
Shaker: Sarah, Gail, Lynne, Patty, Elwin, Zelia, Miki
Tamborim: Claire, Erin
Grouping for pre-match performances
Caxton Street side: Jason, Vitor, Claire, Gail, Fernando, Lynne, Will, Elwin, Miki, Darren, Warren
Milton Road side: Remko, Erin, Mike, Sarah, Denis, Brian, Patty, Peter, Martim, Artur, Zelia
Aisles/sectors for half time performance
339: Denis, Gail, Brian
340: Vitor, Miki, Darren
301: Fernando, Lynne
302: Patty, Martim
303: Artur, Zelia
304: Erin, Claire, Warren
308: Mike, Sarah, Peter
309: Jason, Elwin, Will
(refer to
map for location)