Hi All!
A quick one to say that the blog is also of great use to the ones far away abroad, missing their weekly 2hr drumming and laughing session and the rest of their family and instruments…
It’s great to see piccies of you all having fun and enjoying your music. Keep it up, it really helps getting through the poor weather and lengthy business travel!
I can’t wait to play again!! In the meantime, some pictures of my odissey...
The flying drummer who doesn’t know where he lives anymore…
PS: Happy birthday Paul! Sorry we missed it...

Spring in Cambridge (at least they have good beer)

Cheese in Paris… (that’s a positive)

come back, Cedric, we miss you! (and bring some of that cheese!)
No, please leave that cheese where it is, it has been there for a long time already, look how mouldy it is!
eet eez French cheese - eet doesn't take showers
Ohhhh! So THAT'S where you've been! I thought you were just slack. :) Only Boston/Cambridge/Paris, eh? Mongrel. :)
Thanks for the birthday wishes Cedric. There are more photos to see and a video too. Watch this space. Enjoy your globetrotting. Do they have something to compare to Little Creatures in Europe?
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