Saturday, 7 July 2007

Melanie's Citizenship Party

To my dear possum mate in the old Samba thingy, you bunch of poofters! I have recently gain citizenship and had the lobotomy and now feel much better. Overcome with feeling of wanting to slap a snag on a barbiem whilst clutching a tinny from the ESKI. I most certainly want to invite you to cultural leanings next weekend the 14th of July at 13:00. My dunny door blows in a westerly wind for you. I think thats right, anyway she'll be right. You must bring one item demonstrating you true Australian nature as we don't want any of the pomme bastards to sneak in. So kick the blue heeler in the bum, and fire up the navi, whilst holding a fag and running those bloody hoons off the road with the ute. Have a gander at these links mate.

yes I know its bloody incomprehensible mate, buts that the state of the origin. There'll be sport, a bit of grubbing round in the mud, firing off pistols at any living thing and spitting, its all good at my billobong mate, so see you there.

The address is 38 Rembrandt Street, Carina, 4152, qld


Melanie said...

Oh my phone is 3899 9986 and the mobile is 0414 393525 Brian if you ring early in the morning I will come over to your house and explain timekeeping with a long handled crowbar. I will provide loads of grub, with some vegiie stuff. If you want veggie BBQ stuff please bring as there are some many different things most of which are orrible and I don't know which orrible thing you like. I will also make some spiced hot wine as its officially winter and I like it!

Remko said...

For our Dutch members, if you struggle with this post as much as I did, maybe the following helps:

Aan mijn beste possumpartner in oude thingy Samba, u bos van poofters! Ik heb onlangs aanwinstenburgerschap en had lobotomy en voel nu me veel beter. Overwonnen met gevoel van het willen van aan slap een winkelhaak op een barbiem terwijl het clutching van tinny van ESKI. Ik wil het zekerst u aan het culturele leunen volgende weekend 14 van Juli bij 13:00. uitnodigen Mijn dunny deur blaast in een westerly wind voor u. Ik denk juist thats, in elk geval zal zij juist zijn. U moet één punt brengen dat u aantoont ware Australische aard aangezien wij geen van de pommebastaarden willen binnen heimelijk nemen. Schop zo blauwe heeler in bum, en brand omhoog navi, terwijl het houden van fag en het runnen van die bloedige hoons van de weg met Ute. Heb een gander bij deze verbindingenpartner. ja ken ik zijn bloedige onbegrijpelijke partner, buts dat de staat van de oorsprong. There'll is sport, een weinig het opgraven rond in de modder, die van pistolen bij om het even welk het leven ding in brand steekt en het spuwen, het zijn al goed bij mijn billobongpartner, ziet daar u zo. Het adres is 38 Rembrandt Straat, Kiel, 4152, qld

Remko said...

By the way, sorry Mel I'll be in the Bunya mountains that weekend, so I won't be able to celebrate your lobotomy.

Marcel said...

I think it's even better in Dutch!

Brian D. said...

What are Remko's credentials as a Dutch interpretor !?!? . . . His Dutch version seems to be longer than Melanie's .

" ...van poofters ... " Doesn't the Dutch language has an equivalent word ? I can understand the word " Possumpartner " is a bit more tricky .

Melanie said...

Occording to my guide book that should be perfectly clear Australian, but when you back translate the Dutch it means 'There is a mouse, there on the stairs, a little mouse with clogs on, going clip clipperty clop on the stairs oh oh'!

Pat said...

I don't know what you lot are ON, but if you've got any left over I WANT SOME!!

Marcel said...

Pat, the recipe is described in Remko's post. Believe me, it's worth learning the language for.