Thursday 29 November 2007

has anyone ever noticed...

That not only is "G.R.E.S. Unidos da Primavera" Brisbane's first and only Samba School, but we are also very likely the only samba school who, according to our blog header, performed for huge audiences at events like the Gold Goast Indy!

We rule, I say!
(well, as of next week you guys rule, and I no longer rule with you. Anyone getting tears in their eyes yet?)

Uncharted: Brisamba Call sheet

Below are the times for the Uncharted production at the Judith Wright Centre.
Saturday 1 December 12.00 - 5.00pm Full rehearsal with whole cast
Tuesday 4 December 5.30 - 9.30pm Technical rehearsal with whole cast
Wednesday 5 December 5.30 - 10.00pm Dress rehearsal
Thursday 6 December 5.30 - 9.30pm Preview (performance)
Friday 7 December 6.00 - 9.30pm Opening Night
Saturday 8 December 12.30 - 3.30pm & 5.30 - 9.30pm Closing Night and Bump Out

Plucky little devil called Cedric offers hope for his species' future

Although I personally feel it's somewhat disrespectful to a fellow Aussie, it is nevertheless good news for the wildlife population...

A RAY of hope has appeared for the beleaguered Tasmanian devil, with the discovery that one of the marsupials has produced an immune response to the ghastly facial tumour disease.

Scientists who injected treated tumour cell lines into a young male devil called Cedric found, for the first time, that the animal produced a detectable antibody.

read more here

Sunday 25 November 2007

2008 Eurovision contest

Will and Erin were working on a Abba's inspired samba rhythm for the 2008 Eurovision

Rehearsals for the rest of the year

With the circus rehearsals and performances taking up quite a bit of time, I just realised there's only two normal rehearsals left for the rest of the year: this week, on the 29th, and 20 December, which will be the last rehearsal before summer break.

Rehearsals on 6, 13 and 27 December will be canceled.

I am around in January, so we could start again on say 10 January. What do you think?

Saturday 24 November 2007


I've found someone who has a few samba instruments for sale. No surdos at this stage, but he's got a few snares, some big loud shakers, and also some repiniques. Please let me know if you're interested.

On another note: did someone take one of the big shakers home on Thursday? I'm missing one.

Friday 23 November 2007

Costumes for Uncharted - details asap please

Please see the message below from 'Uncharted' team.
"Hi this is Tiffany designing for Uncharted with vulcana... I need to get everyones height , shirt and trouser measurements please so i can get your overalls picked up...yay!I'll also be sending you an email but if we could get thesemeasurements asap that would be excellent.. cheers tiffany"

If you haven't already replied to Tiffany, please forward the following measurements to and I will pass them on.

Height -
Shirt -
Trouser -



Thursday 22 November 2007

Olodum tickets booked!

For those who wanted to go to Olodum, I've just booked 16 tickets, rows E and F, seats 21-28! So book the date in your calendar, I can't wait! Tickets are $128 each, I've paid for them for now so please reimburse me when you're ready.

Update: some of you have asked me for bank details. If you'd like to pay this way, please drop me an email and I'll reply with details. Also, when you have paid, please drop me an email as well so I can keep track of it. Cheers!

Tonight - be on time please

We've got a fairly busy program tonight, with Vulcana attending our rehearsal again. As some will have to leave early tonight, I'd like to start as early as possible, so please be on time. Thanks!

Wednesday 21 November 2007

Pride 2008

Just received the following email:

Hi Remko

Wanted to let you know that it has been decided to change the Rally and March next year so we will not be requiring the services of the band for 2008. Going for a disco atmosphere. I would like to thank you for being a part of our festival for the past 4 years. It has been great working with you and hearing the band. I will never forget the first year with the sound of the drums filling the city.

Thanks again and all the best for the future


PS If you ever need a reference, please don’t hesitate to pass on my details

I guess they found out that Marcel is leaving for Holland...

Tuesday 20 November 2007

Tamara's Wedding


For anyone interested in hearing more of the marimba band that played at Tamara and Michael's wedding. You can find (and hear) them here...

Sunday 18 November 2007

Denis Jr

Hi all

I stumbled upon this fim of Denis as a youngster, up to his old tricks as usual..

Some call it A.D.D. while others hypothesize that the devil hath overtaken, but I think more likely it's the sangria....

Friday 16 November 2007

Olodum in Brisbane!

For those of us who missed Olodum in Bahia, and for all of you who haven't made it to Brazil yet, here's a second chance to see Olodum!

Olodum, the legendary samba-reggae group from Salvador, Bahia, will be touring in Australia and will perform at QPAC on Tuesday 18 March 2008, at 8pm.

I really recommend all of the samba school to attend this performance. Not only will it be a great gig, we also will be able to get some ideas for new breaks, choreography, and costumes. Tickets are not cheap but it's a lot cheaper than actually going to Brazil! There's two ticket prices, $128 for front section, $102 for back section. My strong preference is the front section, and I hope you all agree.

I've set up a register for this event, let's get tickets together. Please register before Tuesday 20 November, or if you really can't do this send me an email. I volunteer to buy the tickets on our behalf, and you can reimburse me later.

Monday 12 November 2007

Tamara's wedding

For those of you going to Tamara's wedding this Saturday, I've got a slight logistic challenge which means I won't be able to transport (m)any instruments that day. So on Thursday, we have to share the load. Let's discuss then...

Wednesday 7 November 2007

costume call

Hello costumers,

I have to get some pants made for a dance performance. Can anyone recommend a costume maker?

While I welcome comical responses, this is a serious blog, so could someone please give me a lead?


Monday 5 November 2007

Possible gig Tuesday 13 November


I just received a call from an agency regarding a gig at the Surfers Paradise Mariott hotel pool next Tuesday the 13th of November. We've not finalised a detailed program yet, but it sounds like a lot of fun. I hope there will be enough of you to make it happen, as it's on a Tuesday night. I'll post more details later as they come in, but for now I need to know who can make it, so please register here. Thanks!

Saturday 3 November 2007

Primavera Mascot


Friday 2 November 2007

Bloco Coringa

HI! I just wanted to share this , because I'm a sharing caring type of gal. I like the style of these guys, because it's a great groove, the dancer is funky, and the band plays well while they perform simple dance steps. Each section responds to the others in their calls, especially the repi, caixa and surdo.

Paul here's some Timba action for you, and Katherine too, if you're still blogging on every so often. Haven't heard from Donna in awhile either! Remko, you may reserve some disdain for it all being so choreographed, but it certainly 'aint sloppy, that's fur sure!!

I tend to appreciate the junglesque undertones of the dancer's outfit (despise the band's lack of costume-wise imagination however), but that's the feral in me. I kind of imagined our band with an eclectic, street-jungle mash-up sort of outfit, but with some definitive glam to satisfy Remko's Sgt. Pepper/Disco Stu/Dragqueen/Gary Glitter leanings. ha ha

Groove Brazil Party

Hi folks,
Angelo and Gaby are having a party tonight to celebrate 2 years of Groove Brazil in Brisbane!

Where: Corner Vulture st and Wellington Rd
When: 8.30pm Friday 2nd Nov.
Cost: $10
There will a class from 8.30pm and performances from around 10pm.

Some of us from samba school might even take to the stage...

Hope to see you there!